Friday, September 28, 2012

The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living?

The unexamined life is the life that is lead by most people, examination only leads to problems doesn't it. We question we get crucified, put to death, excommunicated from our church, our family, our friends. Are most people even capable of asking questions that invoke any thought? If the majority examined their life would they even find anything or would blank spaces frustrate them as they circled around questions they cannot possibly find the center of. The answer lies in the fact that we have denoted a profession to people who examine life; the philosopher. They are able to question and we are able to become enlightened through them. We (the majority) don't have the will power, brians, or enthusiasm for asking questions that will never be answered. Does this we mean we shouldn't expose ourselves to the unknown? Of course not, while it seems to me that it is a waste on a person who will never want to examine their existance, we should try to bring enlightenment and conciousness to everybody, give em' a nibble and see if the fish pulls. If so reel em' in. If not let them keep swimming. To often there is a misunderstanding between examination and imposisiton. Being forced down and choked as you shove your beliefs down my throat, which while might sound a bit harsh, is what people tend to do when discussing ideas. I think this stems from lack of confidence in their own beliefs. People become more adamant as they are less sure. Back to the examined life. Yes it's good. It's not for everybody, actually for few people. If you don't get it, you don't need it and shouldn't feel bad. If you are be as loud as you can about it. Read Man and Superman, at least until you fall head over heals for the rouge attitude and confidence of Jack TannerJust don't choke people, it's hard to know where the line between discussion and choking is.


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